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Fun and scary

Wow, today was a day full of conquering our fears and enjoying the moment! I don’t think any of us woke up ready for what we were about to experience.

To ease into the day, some of our team took a scenic flight from Bandicoot Adventure Flights on the Tiger Mouth plane, what a different perspective we were given of the beautiful region of Gippsland, then before Macca could say cya later on the first experience he was taken on the flight of his life on the acrobatics flight option! He was tossed, turned, spiralled and upside down, it was thrilling, the adrenaline was pumping and fear was know where to be seen.

The next adrenaline rush was laser tag, kids, parents and friends took each other on running around, climbing through windows, army crawling on the floor, there was laughter and screams when we were snuck up on.

The afternoons challenge was the ropes course, a 3 level course full of crazy obstacles, you ended up in the splits, cross legged, twisted and turned! It was fun, challenging and fulfilling for not only conquering our fear of heights but also being able to complete it. Macca and Tania raced for another Challenge fo Chairty, to see who could finish the first level on the ropes course in the quickest time! Stay tuned to see who won, episodes airing in January

We are excited to see what adventures we get to be apart of tomorrow!

Make sure you keep following our journey on our Go Make Some Memories Convoy for Charity – proudly brought to you by the Caravan Industry Association Victoria!

If you would like to donate to the National Breast Cancer Foundation please click here!

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For more information on our 8 Best of the Best, visit their website Lotus Caravans, Nova Caravans, New Age Caravans, TrakMaster, Coromal Caravans, JB Caravans, Windsor & Royal Flair!

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