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Questacon & Segway, Science and Scenery in Canberra

Macca, Angie and Adele  from Caravanning with Kids had the BEST day in Canberra for the final day of the New Age Caravans Snowy River tour.  The sun was shining and they were all excited to visit Questacon.  Adele had heard many wonderful things about the National Science & Technology centre and all the men on the crew suddenly turned into giggling school kids at the thought of ‘playing’ with science!   Questacon was opened in 1988 and hundreds of thousands of visitors enjoy what they have on offer.  They strive to promote a greater understanding and awareness of science and technology and do this by creating experiences that are fun, interactive, and relevant.  As soon as we walked through the doors our hands and minds were engaged and there were lots of WOW’s as we explored science from a new angle.

The building has multiple levels of hands on exhibits and interactions that ensure people of ALL ages will learn and have fun at the same time.  Macca, Angie and Adele couldn’t get enough of all the places and things to explore and enjoy.  There were loads of laughs, especially when Angie had her hands set on fire by the Scientists in the Q Lab.  The highlight of our visit was Excite@Q,  Macca got to  free fall down a six metre slide, battle a robot in a game of air hockey and we all enjoyed all the hands on coolness.  So much to see and do – definitely add this one to your must see list too.

We ended our tour with another super fun activity.  Who needs a double decker bus to see the sights of a city when you can Segway your way around!? Di & Zane from Seg, Glide, Ride took us on a fabulous ride around Lake Burley Griffin and we took in the local surrounding attractions too. Very affordable and a very unique way to sight see.  You will be surprised at how easy it is to do once you get a little lesson and some practice.  Within 5 minutes we were all wizzing around like Segway pros.

THANK YOU New Age Caravans! Macca, Angie and Adele  had an incredible time in the Gecko, the Oz Classic and the Big Red. Impressive caravans that we LOVED.  We hope you all enjoy the episodes when they hit Channel 10 soon….

If you would like more information about the impressive New Age Caravans range, please head over to their website here –

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Written by
Adele Dyson from Caravanning with Kids

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